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Ressourcenbezeichnung |
Reservoir model for estimating static storage capacity at pilotregion B |
Ressourcenüberblick |
A set of reservoir fluid flow models is used to calculate the static storage capacity at pilotregion B for three parameterisation cases generated by BGR within the GEOSTOR project AP 2.2. The capacity assessment considers Middle Buntsandstein units (Volpriehausen Lower (smV), Volpriehausen-Wechselfolge (smV/wf), Detfurth (smD), Hardegsen (smH) and Solling (smS)). The reservoir model is developed using the open-source OPM Flow simulator, where the model is initialised using a gas-oil system (CO2-water) with a pre-defined gas-oil contact at the spill point. Subsequent pore volume assessment is derived for each specific fluid in place region. The 3D grid is derived from the 3D structural model (v20231218) developed by BGR, where faults are represented using stair-step grid types and the grid resolution is 200 m x 200 m horizontally. The reservoir model has dimensions (IJK) of 98x134x292 with a total of 3834544 elements, of which only 347962 are active for the static capacity assessment. The static capacity assessment considers three distinct parameterizations: using linear depth-dependent models, hard-conditioned interpolation models using Simple Kriging for Middle Buntsandstein units without distinctions in lithofacies and the same Kriging method considering primitive litho-facies dependent porosity models. For more details, refer to AP 2.2. All inputs, as well as the deck file, are available in the INCLUDE folder in ASCII format. The assessment results using the reservoir simulator are available in the rst directory in VTK-related format for pressure_oil/gas, density_oil/gas, saturation_oil/gas, moleFrac_gas/oil...). Assessment results are provided for all three parameterization cases namely: PILOT_B_V01_PHIE_LINEAR, PILOT_B_V01_PHIE_KRIGING and PILOT_B_V01_PHIE_SGS1, with primary outputs for pressure in Pascals and for fluid saturation in dimensionless units. The simulator applies a classical black oil model under isothermal conditions at 90°C. The CO2 density is calculated for the all pressure ranges and constnat temperature, therefore, in areas where there is no CO2 saturation, density is still calculated. Nevertheless, due to the definition of fluid in place regions, pore volume as well as static storage capacity is calculated within closure areas for each individual FIPNUM unit within the Middle Buntsandstein formations. |
Art der Ressource
dataset |
Unique resource identifier
a78e7c71-d311-4f82-87bc-7be40088179d |
Datum der Veröffentlichung
Datum der letzten Überarbeitung
Datum der Erstellung
2024-08-01 |
Name der verantwortlichen Stelle
Rolle der verantwortlichen Stelle
pointOfContact |
E-Mail Adresse der verantwortlichen Stelle
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Geographische Ausdehnung
55.86381 |
eng |
ISO Themengebiet
geoscientificInformation |
reservoir model |