Hydromechanical models for allowable injection pressure assessment at pilotregion A


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Ressourcenbezeichnung Hydromechanical models for allowable injection pressure assessment at pilotregion A
Ressourcenüberblick "A set of numerical models are created according to the stratigraphic settings of pilotregion A for both vertical and horizontal wells using a radial cylindrical model to estimate the maximum allowable well bottom hole pressure (WBHP). These radial models are generated using the open-source OPM Flow simulator and an in-house developed workflow to create a fine element mesh for ABAQUS FEA geomechanical simulations. Six models, namely #1-#6, capture mechanical effects along the well borehole as well as at the interface between the well-storage and -cap rock formation. The reservoir simulation model utilises a single sub-trap model at pilotregion A (folder model_trap_north), namely north traph, associated with the Henni North trap to assess injectivity under geomechanical restriction. The reservoir simulation outputs include pressure (in Pascals) and saturation (dimensionless) at the end of a 30-year injection period and 100 years post-injection. A one-way coupling with the ABAQUS provides a verification of the allowable pressure limits. The primary outputs from the geomechanical simulations include stress and strain in the X,Y and Z directions, all measured in Pa."
Art der Ressource dataset
Unique resource identifier 4d0b6cf8-290a-43ea-874b-75f8af79e56f
Datum der Veröffentlichung
Datum der letzten Überarbeitung
Datum der Erstellung 2024-08-01
Name der verantwortlichen Stelle
Rolle der verantwortlichen Stelle pointOfContact
E-Mail Adresse der verantwortlichen Stelle
Koordinatenreferenzsystem EPSG:
Geographische Ausdehnung 6.833, 6.904, 54.072, 54.558
Sprache eng
ISO Themengebiet geoscientificInformation
Suchbegriff Geologie, Geology, reservoir geomechanics


Attribute Value
Nutzungsbedingungen { "id": "cc-by-nc", "name": "Creative Commons Namensnennung - Nicht kommerziell (CC BY-NC)", "url": "", "quelle": "Uni Kiel, HydromechanicalModels_P-A, 2024" }
Zugriffsbeschränkung Es gelten keine Zugriffsbeschränkungen
Datenablageformat ASCII
Adresse zur Ressource


Attribute Value
Herkunft Numerical models for geomechanical and reservoir simulation are derived from the 3D geological model at pilotregion A, developed by BGR within the GEOSTOR project.
Titel der Spezifikation VERORDNUNG (EG) Nr. 1089/2010 DER KOMMISSION vom 23. November 2010 zur Durchführung der Richtlinie 2007/2/EG des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates hinsichtlich der Interoperabilität von Geodatensätzen und -diensten
Datum der Spezifikation 2010-12-08
Grad der Konformität


Attribute Value
Name der Kontaktstelle für Metadaten
Metadatenkontakt E-Mail
Metadatenidentifikator 4d0b6cf8-290a-43ea-874b-75f8af79e56f
Datum der Metadaten 2024-08-07
Sprache der Metadaten eng