Reservoir model for estimating dynamic storage capacity at pilotregion A


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Ressourcenbezeichnung Reservoir model for estimating dynamic storage capacity at pilotregion A
Ressourcenüberblick A 3D reservoir fluid flow model has been developed for pilotregion A to calculate the achievable dynamic storage capacity. This model is developed using the open-source OPM Flow simulator and an in-house developed workflow, with simulations conducted on the CAU HPC cluster using 32 nodes. Three scenarios are considered: run #2 and run#24 for vertical wells, and run #7 for horizontal wells. These scenarios are the most representative from a multiple-scenario simulation study conducted within AP 2.3. The injection rate is constant for run #2 and run #7, for run #24 rate is time-dependent based on each well injectivity calculated automatically by the simulator during a 30-year injection period. The injection target is 10 million kg of CO2 per year. All inputs, as well as the deck file, are available in the INCLUDE folder in ASCII format. The assessment results using the reservoir simulator are available in the 'rst' directory for parameters such as pressure_oil/gas, density_oil/gas, saturation_oil/gas, and moleFrac_gas/oil. The main assessment results are for oil (brine) and gas (CO2), with pressure in bar and fluid saturation in dimensionless units. The simulator applies a classical black oil model under isothermal conditions at 50°C.
Art der Ressource dataset
Unique resource identifier 2f7ee480-3a2b-4be6-b8b7-0347000fdd70
Datum der Veröffentlichung
Datum der letzten Überarbeitung
Datum der Erstellung 2024-08-01
Name der verantwortlichen Stelle
Rolle der verantwortlichen Stelle pointOfContact
E-Mail Adresse der verantwortlichen Stelle
Koordinatenreferenzsystem EPSG:
Geographische Ausdehnung 6.51162, 7.06236, 54.10015, 54.48818
Sprache eng
ISO Themengebiet geoscientificInformation
Suchbegriff Geologie, Geology, reservoir model


Attribute Value
Nutzungsbedingungen { "id": "cc-by-nc", "name": "Creative Commons Namensnennung - Nicht kommerziell (CC BY-NC)", "url": "", "quelle": "Uni Kiel, ReservoirModelDynamic_P-A, 2024" }
Zugriffsbeschränkung Es gelten keine Zugriffsbeschränkungen
Datenablageformat ASCII
Adresse zur Ressource


Attribute Value
Herkunft The reservoir model is developed based on a large-scale structural model built by BGR within the GEOSTOR project. Reservoir simulation is done using open-source research simulator OPM Flow compiled and run on the Linux cluster of Kiel University. Visualisation of the results can be done using industrial pre- and post-processing platforms, as well as the open-source post-processing software ResInsight, which is part of the Open Porous Media (OPM) initiative.
Titel der Spezifikation VERORDNUNG (EG) Nr. 1089/2010 DER KOMMISSION vom 23. November 2010 zur Durchführung der Richtlinie 2007/2/EG des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates hinsichtlich der Interoperabilität von Geodatensätzen und -diensten
Datum der Spezifikation 2010-12-08
Grad der Konformität


Attribute Value
Name der Kontaktstelle für Metadaten
Metadatenkontakt E-Mail
Metadatenidentifikator 2f7ee480-3a2b-4be6-b8b7-0347000fdd70
Datum der Metadaten 2024-12-17
Sprache der Metadaten eng